Communication Is Key
I am in charge of guiding this ship as CEO. I’ve had to accept the fact that my front-line team cannot read my mind. I need to express my concerns if I want people to share my passion. My EXCO team and I have been working hard over the past nine months to communicate with our people more.
I’ve discovered the hard way that effective communication is essential for moving forward. You must establish communication habits if you want to communicate effectively. Although difficult, it’s worthwhile.
I’ve discovered the hard way that effective communication is essential for moving forward. You must establish communication habits if you want to communicate effectively. Although difficult, it’s worthwhile.

Raw Stores
We deployed an updated raw material barcode system. This system is crucial for “first in, first out” identification for batching. It enables more accurate traceability at every stage of our production process.

IMM Plants
We have been developing and constructing a Manufacturing Clean Room over the past eight months (IMM Plant 2). It is perfect for producing goods that are susceptible to contamination (medical, pharmaceutical, electronic and aerospace).

To better and more effectively maintain your moulds, we are expanding our toolroom division to include a Service Center. For traceability within and around the various plants, every mould is barcoded.

We have increased our screen-printing capacity as part of our Assembly process and product portfolio to shorten lead times.

Our Distribution Centre and exporting department are geared up to transport items internationally, with specialized docking bays for efficient and fast packaging of containers.

D & E
We have three vibrant meeting places in our Think Tank Studio that were created as creative spaces for you to visit, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, and allow us to assist you in making your idea a reality.

We are still concentrating on updating and improving our ERP system, and we have hired a full-time systems manager to ensure this project is successful.

The melt flow index of raw materials measured by a MFI equipment, installed in our quality control lab. As part of our procedure, we inspect the product material as soon as it arrives to ensure it complies with the requirements. Before beginning production, we decide whether to accept or reject the material.

To ensure engagement among our varied staff, we are constantly addressing and enhancing our entire business communication. For this reason, we regularly organize strategy conferences, company-wide EXCO presentations, and leadership meetings.